Dr. Glass recently solicited feedback for 3 Questions from the Jeffco community. Below is my input to him:


Dr. Glass,
Here are some different thoughts from what you have already seen:

Teachers. I’m not going to wade into the minefield of teacher compensation, but I will discuss the bell curve of teacher quality. Yes, there is a range of teacher quality in Jeffco, they’re not all extremely good as some would have you believe. I know this quality range. My kids have had a few really great teachers, but they have had an EQUAL number of absolutely horrendous teachers. I suggest that you propose to the JCEA (union) a yearly bonus to identified GREAT teachers (1% or 2% of total teachers) in exchange for a streamlined process to rid the district of the horrendous teachers (they’re out there and they truly negatively impact education). There should be no bonuses without a corresponding streamlined firing process. I’m suggesting that this be an All or Nothing. Let’s see if the union is willing to partner to improve education. Yearly bonus should be something substantial ($4,000 – $5,000). Parents can help you identify both the great and the terrible teachers.


District Staff. The District Staff should be dedicated to education and the improvement of academic performance in Jeffco. They should demonstrate integrity and ethics. They shouldn’t invoke the Urban Dictionary definition of Educrat –  “It describes a special kind of person in the education: pinheads who are so process-oriented that they are more excited in the process of learning than the myriad wonders that can be learned.”

Staff members shouldn’t be more concerned about dollars than students.

Unfortunately, we have more than our share of Educrats. While I didn’t vote for him, one of Trump’s mantras – ‘Drain the Swamp’ could be appropriately applied to what is needed at Denver West.

We have Cabinet members with titles with words such as “Innovation”, “Success” and “Effectiveness” in them who certainly don’t exhibit any desire or ability to live up to those titles.

We have Cabinet members who intentionally deceive and lie (and I don’t use that word lightly) to the Board, teachers and parents.

Restore some community trust in Denver West by getting rid of the people there who have forgotten who their real constituents are – the students.

Note: I can back up my accusations of intentional deception and lying with documentation and evidence and would appreciate a meeting so I can give that to you.