In a recent post (August 28th) Support Jeffco Kids talks about “Misleading Dark Forces” who purchased the .com of their domain –
But wasn’t this completely preventable?
Isn’t this a story more about the “error” the Support Jeffco Kids team made than how a .com domain name was “stolen”?
In fact, using the word “stolen” is completely misleading itself! The .com domain was NOT stolen. It was legally purchased. And, it was only available for purchase because of the “error” of SJK! If SJK wants that domain, maybe SJK should make the owner a monetary offer, similar to what happens every day with countless other domains instead of just complaining.
I also want to point out that it appears SJK allowed someone to legally purchase too!
I can’t and won’t address the legality of the use of and “false affiliation” claims made by SJK, but the fact is that the .com domain was NOT stolen. And I would think that the owners can do with that domain what they want as long as they don’t violate the provisions of the Colorado Charitable Solicitations Act C.R.S. §6-16-111.
If the owners of the .com domain want to transfer it, that is within their legal rights. People do it all of the time. It is not some “Misleading Dark Forces” making a transfer. The “Misleading Forces” here are SJK for trying to make people believe that a domain name was “stolen” and what people are legally doing is “misleading and dark”. It’s not!
I might want to suggest to SJK that if they want to prevent other people from legally purchasing similar domains (such as .io and .biz) that they go and purchase them.
In addition, I’d be happy to sell them for $100 if they want it too. They left that one available and I legally purchased it. If they don’t want it, maybe I will just forward it to my blog. Since I don’t solicit any money I don’t think they can claim I’m violating the Colorado Charitable Solicitations Act. And, I’m certainly not “Dark” as I can be easily found.
Note: I was inspired to write this this post because of another post by SJK which included the statement:
“It IS important to correct untruths and spread FACTUAL information online.”
I hope they don’t mind that I’m following their advice to “correct untruths and spread FACTUAL information online”!