During the last Board election in 2015 the National (NEA), State (CEA) and local (JCEA) teachers unions provided nearly $275,000 in support to get the current “clean slate” Board members elected.
- National Education Association, $150,000
- Colorado Education Association, $113,500
- Jefferson County Education Association, $20,000
Was that money well spent?
First, the teachers were immediately rewarded with a new 5 year contract that included more than $20 million in one-time and ongoing raises in May of 2016.
But then, only one year after signing that new 5 year contract the Board fabricated a “budget crisis”, which included school closings and cuts to programs to generate an additional $19.5M in teacher compensation increases beginning in 2017-2018..
Even with all of that, Jeffco staff and Board members are already saying that the current salaries are not competitive for mid-career teachers.
I don’t see that when looking at the 2016-17 salary graphs here.
But, I guess that’s what you have to say to try to get people to support additional budget cuts or tax increases if you want to try and push through another big compensation increase for your employees and supporters!
Anyway, you can decide for yourself on the reasons for what’s transpiring.
But, as they say on the TV crime shows – “Follow the Money”.