Robert Greenawalt  Sun, Apr 9, 2017 at 2:38 PM
To:,,,,, Jeffco Schools Board of Education <>
You can imagine my surprise and shock when the Board failed to even discuss my observation that section 8.04 of the February 9th Board Minutes did not accurately reflect what happened at that meeting.

I went into last Thursday’s Board meeting thinking that an honest mistake may have been made when developing the Minutes. I left thinking that the Minutes had been consciously written to change what really transpired in February.

As a taxpaying parent, I raised a legitimate issue with the February 9th Board Minutes. The discussion at that meeting, surrounding the District’s HS GT program, did not direct complete funding from SBB, yet that is what is reflected in the Minutes. You then decided to completely ignore my observation and my request for a review. This was blatantly disrespectful, not only to me, but also to the GT students and HS GT program. Your actions reflect poorly on the Jefferson Country Board of Education and breed distrust and an appearance of opaqueness.

What went on behind closed doors so that the Minutes were written in that manner?

Can you tell me why you did not even give me the courtesy of considering the issue I raised?

When the Board decided not to discuss my point it demonstrated that:

·         You were lazy and/or tired.

·         You did not like who delivered the message or the manner in which I delivered it.

·         You were willing to say one thing at the Board meeting on February 9th when you knew many people were watching, but hoped to hide a different message in the normally unread Board meeting Minutes 2 months later.

·         Terry Elliott and/or Kevin Carroll subsequently convinced you of their revisionist history interpretation of what was said at the meeting.

·         You were afraid to say anything after the Board President called for a motion to approve. Or,

·         You think you know everything and don’t want anyone disagreeing with you.

However, none of these is a good reason to blatantly ignore a constituent who raised a reasonable request to review inaccurate Minutes surrounding a wide-ranging discussion. As elected public officials, you have a responsibility to ensure accurate Board Meeting Minutes. You failed to fulfill your responsibilities!

You ran on a platform of trust and transparency. Yet, your actions as a Board last Thursday night were disgraceful, disrespectful, show a complete lack of leadership and merely further the community’s distrust of you and the District staff.

Robert Greenawalt